A road rage between two buses, an accident occurs. The ones greatly affected by the event are middle-aged woman named Fiesta (Eugene Domingo), an old and retired family patriarch Tonio (Leo Martinez), and a lad named Caloy (Enchong Dee). These people are pierced through a single steel bar, a dangerous situation that even their doctors find hard to solve.
Fiesta is a bus barker of Janus Express whose life revolves around taking care of her demented father Carding. Tonio is a retired old man who after getting past his prime and being a refuge to his family, now wants to fulfill his shrugged off dream of becoming a baker. Caloy is a young man preserving his virginity for his girlfriend Angel (Empress). They have made an agreement to give up their virginities to each other and only to each other.
Director: Veronica Velasco | Year: 2013
Cast: Eugene Domingo, Leo Martinez, Enchong Dee, Jake Cuenca, Empress Schuck, Jon Achaval, Nico Antonio, Hyubs Azarcon, Manuel Chua, Menggie Cobarrubias, Rodjun Cruz, Nor Domingo, Nikki Gil, Beauty Gonzalez, Kitkat
Director: Veronica Velasco | Year: 2013
Cast: Eugene Domingo, Leo Martinez, Enchong Dee, Jake Cuenca, Empress Schuck, Jon Achaval, Nico Antonio, Hyubs Azarcon, Manuel Chua, Menggie Cobarrubias, Rodjun Cruz, Nor Domingo, Nikki Gil, Beauty Gonzalez, Kitkat
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